17 December 2009


Beyond all this, the wish to be alone:
However the sky grows dark with invitation-cards
However we follow the printed directions of sex
However the family is photographed under the flagstaff—
Beyond all this, the wish to be alone.

Beneath it all, desire of oblivion runs:
Despite the artful tensions of the calendar,
The life insurance, the tabled fertility rites,
The costly aversion of the eyes from death—
Beneath it all, desire of oblivion runs.

Philip Larkin [1922-1985]


  1. do you really vant to be alone, Greta?

  2. yes, and you choose to be alone :) but you still have paris and moi :P

  3. being alone is not at all such a terrible thing me thinks, it is a mark of one's strength to be able to be alone and yet not lonely.

  4. I'm not alone la... i have my friends and family, so let's not forget these important features.
