01 January 2010

Comic Treatment

Pride and Prejudice as a comic book has been a such a success that Marvel is planning to give Sense and Sensibility the same treatment in April 2010. Graphic Classics also features a graphic-novel treatment of Northanger Abbey, containing a distilled adaptation of The Mysteries of Udolpho. What would Auntie Austen say?


  1. I want this comic book, I covet it, it does make for breezier reading, no?
    I do miss Bunty and Judy comics that I used to peruse in comfort on weekends when I was just a little girl. Well, this little girl has grown to a not so little drag now!!!

  2. Wat is Bunty and Judy comics??? I've never heard of them. I used to devour Archie comics when I was little, and also LAT cartoon books... MAD magazine... comics are not so innocent anymore.
