19 January 2011


Nothing racist about this comment, but does this not look a little Thaipusam? (Is she doing a Bollywood number?) But Anna Dello Russo likes VERY MUCH - she also want! By the way, how does one "catch the look"? Is the look a virus? Is the look falling down from the 13th storey? Slipping off a cliff? Is the look running away to join the circus? This magazine certainly makes free with the English language.


  1. Hmm....now i am inspired to stand like this on the mrt. 老娘拼了!!!!!!!!

  2. Dear Beauty: People will hurl rocks at you.

  3. to beauty, hahahaha! thats just amazing! i love it when people take the internet to real life! its like seeing people doing single ladies on the street haha

  4. Dear Dennis: While i'm sure you mean to be positive, you do not know Beauty. I do. Please do not encourage - you have no idea what damage you may be causing.

  5. well i love it DG :P i'm all about encouragement! haha! "now put ur hands up!"
