12 April 2011

Sister Sean

Ms O'Pry giving it her all - heart and soul into modelling them hideous junk.


  1. dear DG

    haha agreed: the outfits are quite hideous.

    but every time i see Sister Sean's pics, a little Pavlovian bell will go off in my mind: '很美很美!' then to be followed by the less delightful realisation: that he almost always looks the same in every spread, regardless of wardrobe changes.

    can a person suffer from being too beautiful? much lesser mortal like me sometimes wonders...


  2. Dear EA: Such a very astute observation! I think in the end, it's true that the camera actually captures a bit of the soul - you must be innately beautiful to photograph beautiful in a way. In this case, Sister Sean is obviously a dreary and vacuous person. She just looks damn boring, although our brains read (ding ding ding goes the pavlovian bells!) her as being beautiful, the equation isn't complete.
    That she's always tirelessly MODELLING is in itself very very dreary, what amounts to grand pretense. All the proverbial lights are on, but there's no one home.

  3. i'm comin home, comin home.....
