23 October 2009

Postcard: London Calling

From M:
"Few visitors to London seem aware that the glamorous Orient Express still operates out of Victoria Station. Back in the 1920s, the mighty and the moneyed would board the Express from Victoria across the Channel, hop on the steamer to Calais, and continue with the Continental carriages to Paris, Milan, or Venice. Today, those romantic trains are beautifully restored and back in service. Old-fashioned carriages that were built in the 20s and 30s boast plush upholstery, intricate marquetry and brass fittings, all delicately illuminated by softly shaded lamps, giving you a first-hand feel of the Golden Age of travel.
"Highly recommended is the one-day trip which heads out to Chesterfield, where you are picked up by bus to make a pilgrimage to Chatsworth. And what's there? Only the most delightful piece of Austen-esque real estate you can imagine. You half expect Jane herself to saunter down the lawn with a parasol poised lazily above her head. Little wonder. Chatsworth may be home to the duke and duchess of Devonshire, but it's also where the Keira Knightley films Pride and Prejudice and The Duchess were shot on-location."

1 comment:

  1. I must do this thingy when i next visit london and of course norfolk where pukie resides.
