16 January 2009

Richard Avedon (15 May1923 – 1 October 2004)

Just for aunty:

Avedon's work is legendary, from his beginnings as Diana Vreeland's pet at Vogue to the fine portraitist as the first staff photograper at the New Yorker, he has been prolific and iconoclastic. I've chosen these two images to showcase his idea of beauty, and his style, both which remained unchanged throughout his career. The Elizabeth Taylor portrait is from the '50s. The Stephanie Seymour one is from the '90s. Yet, you can see what links them. They are almost the same person, both troubled, and a little mad, strong, yet vulnerable.


  1. very interesting analysis. pls post more of such nuggets. it's fashion 101 for me and i love it :)

  2. "both troubled, and a little mad, strong, yet vulnerable"... i think that in a way described Avedon himself. He looked it in some way at least.
    And yes the 2 pics resemble nearly the same person, feeling, thinking, wishing almost the same thing.
    This similarity reminds me of his other series - art subjects, political subjects, musicians, dancers... etc. Something identical seems to going on with that moment Avedon captured all these shots. Like as though these aspects /genres are different yet all the same.
