04 January 2009

Town-Side I Dunno

I told the taxi uncle I wanted to go to Mount Sophia Road, which is where I work and his delayed response was "town-side I dunno". After repeated promptings from me about the location, he repeated "town-side I dunno". If it wasn't so hot I would have got out and took another cab, but decided to guide him traffic light by traffic light. Pure frustration: $7.40. 
It's not as if I work at some obscure little lane. Does Singapore have a country-side? I suppose.
How to alleviate the Monday Blues?
Read Bawa: The Sri Lankan Gardens, and wear liberal dose of Hermes's After the Monsoon (cool cardamom, inspired by Kerala, by Jean Claude Ellena).
Wear new bright-blue Nikes with inch-thick soles (not very comfortable).
Think of what to blog.
Yes, very eng.

1 comment:

  1. So nice a Monday... I was eng, too.

    And yes, don't even get me started on taxi drivers like your blur one!
