19 September 2009

Prima Deli Uniform

From BG:
Today taxi uncle ask if I wear uniform I ask what uniform?
I was wearing a Fred Perry baby blue short-sleeved shirt with my new DSquared khaki pants.
He said Prima uniform.
I was so angry. I ask what Prima.
He said Prima Deli.

From GB:
Today Malay taxi uncle stopped me a mile off where I asked him to.
I was getting off phone talking to BG about Shenyang Boy he accosted under Cannon Ball tree (who was carrying Nuskin paperbag).
Taxi uncle say he like to hear what I talk to friend.
I ask why cos mostly asked what Shenyang boy did to BG and Shenyang boy's proportions.
Taxi uncle say he like to hear what I was talking because he is a man.
I was late so no clever rebuttal but as I hand him fare taxi uncle say your hand very smooth.

Notes: The Couroupita guianensis
1. Stefane asked me to look at something really special which I have never seen before and brought me at length to this Cannon Ball tree. He said it was the only one such in the whole of Seychelles, and would have me take a picture of it.
And then I told him that we have Cannon Ball trees aplenty in Singapore but he said he has been in Singapore many times but never seen a Cannon Ball tree.
But they are all over I said.
I was thinking of the Cannon Ball tree under which BG said he accosted the Shenyang boy who was carrying a pristine Nuskin paper carrier. (I forget what it contained but it was some paperwork or something: I asked).

2. I do not believe that Stefane's Cannon Ball tree is the only Cannon Ball tree in the entire Seychelles since he can't even recognise a Cannon Ball tree in Singapore, numerous as they are here.

3. BG says that the Cannon Ball tree under which he accosted the Shenyang boy is not the one on the curb outside the Outram MRT station. He said he will show me where next time but it is somewhere in Chinatown. So I'm actually not very far off.

4. I always see people carrying the Nuskin paper carrier but have never actually known people using this product making me suspect that Nuskin only makes the paper carriers.

5. RY's Shenyang boy is vegetarian and therefore, he says, smells nice. It seems a little contrary that Shenyang boys should have dietary prohibtions given their occupation, but there you go: Different strokes for different folk.


  1. I love this posting. Actually the nuskin marketing team may be copying this marketing campaign of a new fashion brand years go when they employed pretty women to carry their empty bags and walk around town. it got their target audience wondering where do these beautiful people buy their clothes. i giv enuskin too much credit la. they wouldn't ask $$$ boys to carry their bags? but shenyang skin are good though so be assocaiition...hmmm. And cannon ball trees are not common lah/
