15 November 2010

Don't Rain On My Parade


  1. alas GG, it rained in Tokyo and I had to wrap my scarf like a tudung which is good becos it made my basin face a little smaller but I am pretty sure it's a major faux par in the Land of the Rising Sons (BLUSH) becos no bitches were spotted doing the same. and tokyo has lost quite a bit of lustre for this homegirl, momma. Every place is starting to look the same ROLL BAMBI EYES. As I am typing this in hotel room, I can see my pores becos the winds have stripped away everything from my skin!!! And I swear there is 2 new grand canyon creases on my forehead, again courtesy of the winds that cause expression lines to freeze!!! Eeks.

  2. impressive camera work! esp. the last part from 2:16 to 3:14, which is one continuous uninterrupted shot. breathtaking! wondered how it was done.

  3. Dear Anon: That's old hollywood for you! And no CGI rubbish.
