13 March 2011

Alt's First Issue

There's life after Carine!!! This her successor Emmanuelle Alt's first issue, and despite my misgivings at her putting Giselle on the cover, it looks quite fresh and exciting. I must say it's promising...


  1. dear DG

    she put the name of Nobel laureate Mr Orhan Pamuk - even though not a fave of mine - among the coverlines! she must be alright! ;)

    EA, a total illiterate when it comes to women's & girls' fashion

  2. i want to see flip flops and nothing else but knotted hankie on head - - - I will pay!

  3. Dear EA: I'm sure you're just being modest - i hardly think you're illiterate in any topic. Indeed I'm reliefed to note that ms alt seems to have let in some much needed fresh air to Vogue Paris and advance images indicate a competent sucessor to ms roitfeld.

  4. Dear Anon: I wonder what the reference to flip flops and knotted hankies is to. Am i missing something?
