10 January 2009

Weekend Reading List

I'm crazy about Paris so I'm reading Edmund White's The Flaneur: A Stroll Through the Paradoxes of Paris, even though I'm not usually crazy about Edmund White (too American gay, the way Milk is too American gay). Boonster gave me The Reader by Bernhard Schlink for Christmas and it's good, although the idea that Kate Winslett is in the movie doesn't thrill me exactly. Then I just collected Shark's Fin & Sichuan Pepper: A Sweet-Sour Memoir of Eating in China by Fuchsia Dunlop from Kinokuniya (yes, I ordered it the old fashioned way - over the counter), and there are two magazines: The holiday number of The New Yorker (the Winter Fiction Issue) with pieces by Zadie Smith, Mark Twain, Alice Munro (it has a Modrian cover, so festive right?), and the Feb Vanity Fair with Cate Blanchett on the cover (the cover story is boring, boring, boring). I'm also re-reading a chapter from Imagining Characters by A.S. Byatt, the one on Jane Austen's Mansfield Park, so you can see I'm really need to get cracking.

And painting classes starts again tomorrow.